Monday, November 16, 2009

How To Change Your Twitter Profile Picture

twitter_logo If you want to change the picture of your Twitter profile, follow the steps below:


Step 1: When signed in to your Twitter account, click the “Settings” link at the top right corner of your Twitter profile. When you click the “Settings” link you’ll be taken to the “Account” tab of the Settings page.

Step 2: When taken to the “Account” tab of the Settings page, click on the “Picture” tab.

Step 3: In the “Picture” tab, click the “Browse” button, and then choose the picture you want from the dialog box that will open containing files and folders saved on your computer.

Step 4: After you have chosen the picture you want, click the “Save” button to upload and save your new Twitter profile picture.


Please note: At the time of this writing, the maximum size of a picture allowed by Twitter is 700k and picture formats accepted by Twitter are JPG, PNG, and GIF.


So this is how to change your Twitter profile picture.


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